Take advantage of the special offers below and get even more value from your next visit. After all, your local Volkswagen dealership is home to top-quality Genuine VW Service and Parts. Trust the expertise of their VW Certified Technicians and get the savings you deserve. It all makes for an exceptional dealership experience.
– VW Synthetic Oil and Filter Change (up to 5 quarts)
– Rotate tires, correct tire pressure, and check for wear
– Check brake system, all fluid levels, condition of wiper blades, and microfilter
(if applicable)
– Check and tighten all belts and hoses
*Must present offer at time of write-up. Discount applied before taxes. May not be combined
with other offers. Limit one per customer. Not redeemable for advertised specials, previous
purchases, or cash. Offer expires 10.31.23. Valid at a participating Volkswagen dealership only.
See participating dealer for complete details.